...tapered out fish foil shape; reverse bcrack; flat bottom; flat deck; 60/40s semi full to sharp/hard on tail; more rocker on tail; kick tail (for a fish); 2 in 4 a la speed d fins, front ones with 20/80 foil 1/4 max thickness tapered to tip, 1/4 toe in, 7º cant; back ones tilted half, double foiled, no toe in, all rigids; gloss/speed finish combo made to fly
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All boards are 100% handcrafted since mid ´80s by one person from start to finish; including silk screening, fins and everything in between.
Only functional tested shapes not trendy boards on works. The norm is to discontinue the templates that do not perform as expected.
dig it. right out the box thinking.
tail looks super thin in the profile. kinda flexy in mind?
...hey Rob, that is the foil that normally I make for the fishes
in this case I changed the swallow tail for even more flex
the shape posted before is more out the box...is a prototype You ll see
butter yellow boards are best, but that tail scares me...
...scares but flex very good
today a customer told me that he saw the owner, yesterday, flying in a right wall, like he never saw him before
web sites websites
[url=http://cuegeom.clandomain.org/46/index.html]elder law email u[/url]
[url=http://czsoeps.demonstrativ.de/53/index.html]email regions bank F[/url]
[url=http://cuegeom.clandomain.org/61/index.html]email hotmail firefox r[/url]
[url=http://ctajhmx.xn--gewhnt-yxa.de/69/index.html]btopenworld log email k[/url]
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[url=http://ctajhmx.xn--gewhnt-yxa.de/61/map.html]ball game email p[/url]
Total good
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