PROTOtype #1

...well, finally get the pictures of this board that I made last year. I did it to send to the 2008 Sacred Craft show but unforeseen events let it outside..
anyway, this board is roughly based on the air induction concept of 1 of the 3 Morey s early 70s prototypes and after some mails with B Mckee and 1 with G Loehr, I decided to made it.
sports: HYDROSLOTS; flat and S deck; normal entry rocker for a fish but heavy rockered in the last 2´, kick tail too; 60/40s rails extremely tapered out to tail; concave bottom channel fading out in the same line of the front fins; "2 in 4" speed d fins, well, i do these rear modificated fins to half of the fishes and work better backhand than the cqc normal ones.
2 4oz Aerialite fiberglass on top and 1 on the bottom; gloss coat deck, speed finish/bit of gloss on the bottom.
this is the most modern contemporary fish that I did and like may be some of you just saw, follow the concept of my tail area design
i love this stuff! mad scientist at work. And look at that bladed out tail...insane.
sensational colours
...hey man, thanks
this is a sboards dojo so I try to find a way for everyone
...Nursemyra, yes
I tried to make a very special board
sick concept. does the vent give it lift?
it was well worth checking out! Nice outline, epic tail and fin set up and the vent is a really interesting idea, so good to see people playing with the fish design, it's a great platform
...hello Plcasey1, more like lubricate with water...
...hello Kirk, thanks for checking it out
...bad typo
lubricate with air
Nando, hace tiempo que no me daba una vuelta por tu sitio. Que interesante projecto che!, ya la probastes? como funca?, muy bueno el diseño y las combinaciones de colores. Te mando un abrazo.
...gracias Julio,
estamos en eso
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