log guy toob rider
so, in the first eyeballing is more for a beach than a pointbreak
even for guys who are not so good paddlers
somewhat a mix between retro and contemporary shape
designed to take the wave earlier than contemporary board (due to the position of the paddler in a) longboard, so have lot of volume (for a 6 6 ) between nose and WP
and to project after a good bottom turn to toob riding or describe slalom down to top faster lines
not intended for a heaviest guy (only if the guy have more than an average surf skills)
not intended also for small or fat wave conditions
specifications: shape- basic measurements are 6´6´´x 21 1/4 (WP) x 3 1/4´´(4"up) the others are very customer specifics.
Retro stuff-First 20" have down rails, slightly rolled bottom big nose, flat deck. Contemporary stuff- single concave all the way, 60/40s full rails to pinched, slightly dome deck near tail
-the outline have a more parallel aproach between the WP and the sweet spot, due to the toob riding
-medium to low rocker overall
-box fin with 1/8" pinline
glass- 3 Aerialite fiberglass 4oz on the deck, 1 4oz bottom. Gloss finish coat
paint and foam resin stain; 1/16", 1/8", 1/4" pinlines
built to blast!
hope you like she
Es muuuuuuuyyyyyyyy linda reverb!
Everything about that board is great - the oultine, concept, colors, resin swirl inlay, coordinated pinline on the fin - excellent job! I've been wanting to shape a small single fin. I may hit you up for a template copy!
mil fotos de tablas de surf, y después me acusan a mí de tener un blog sin tema.
oh man...my heart is race'n. that is flow stoked to the core. revee, you got it, keep it, share it, pass it on, don't lose it. i'm pissed, i'm happy, i'm sad, i am STOKED. davey
...gracias bella Miss Peel...
...hey clayfin thank you
I can give you some guidelines if you wish
...andrea os dijo
¿cómo sin tema?
el tema es mi trabajo, que es el fabricar dichas tablas
cada tabla de las que pongo fotos son especiales y custom por algo y para alguien
y tu blog ¿cómo que no tiene tema?
nonsense es el tema
...Davey surf poet thanx mate
really nice, well done!
Reverb, that's the one! I love it!
hola señor de las tablas.
si pudiera comentaria con mas detale lo que leo, pero tengo una especie de trauma con el ingles.
solo puedo decir que es un gusto volver a saludarle y que me gustan las
ultimas imagenes que veo
un abrazo
...thanks Alan
...patch, this is the type of board that I told you some weeks ago...
...Eva, beauty
hace un par de días estaba pensando pasar por tu blog
Right on Re, seriously dig it dude.
Esa tabla me merece.
El Lunes la paso a buscar.
Tenemos que arreglar las lecciones.
Si hace más de veinte años que no hago nada.
Bueno. Espero su spuesta. Yo voy a seguir buscando los misteriosos esos
...warren, ALL the boards that I put the pict here were/are sold
-20 años.., hay que comenzar con triceps
this is not a trade blog or a business one, is a pict share blog
so, is not my intention to put pictures to make a deal, is more to keep the stoke alive!; like other sites around here
Nice board but a bit too much.
hee hee
a mi me gustan las blancas huevo
para mi las tablas deberían ser siempre blancas, para color ya está el mar, y el cielo y el sol
igual le quedan muy bien todas
usted tiene arte don!
...gracias Basilia
yo siempre tuve blancas recién ahora tengo una con color
all right revee, its time, fire up the planer and get ta mowing, shoot some pics, lets see it, i'm jones'n, the new project...the new project...i'm ready, bring it on...davey
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