siete pies cuatro pulgadas

thruster one. A bit pulled in nose than other eggs that I d shaped
bottom is flat to concave under front foot then fade out to flat. Flat Deck
the rails are somewhat downrails but with tucked edge, hard box in the tail.
.I think that the color work is very different for a Surfboard.
speed finish coat
ahá. i like it.
hola reverb! le dejé un mensaje en su post anterior diciéndole que lo extraño. ojalá lo lea y me visite.
Sick board man... how do I contact you for one of my own? Was thinking a bonzer or quad fin
Groovy! stoke, clean lines, foil looks sick, flat bottom will rock the speed, pin tail should flow stoke stick on macking bottom turns for drive into the frame. that vodoo that you do oh so well. via mate...davey
...ele, well yes, good definition
alright baby
...hey beancounting
you can email me
boards for groovy people
...hey Davey
you re stoke is infectious!
A ver dear: yo no borré ningún co
mentario no sé de donde sacarte eso.
Yo no soy de borrar comentarios y mucho menos que provengan de gente como usted. Ahora me intriga saber qué fue lo que comentó.
email address?
at your down right
Me gusta! parecen pecas psicodélicas :P
Nice Reve!
......qué definición! Srta Peel
...thanks patch
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