back again the workshop
in the meantime a couple of "modern" templates** pictures
I do not know about guys doing these type of templates, so I assume that is something in my way
there re kind of "dual" ones
you have 2 types of curves (outside, inside) to obtain the outline. You can for ex put a semigun outline (outside) and a shortboard inside.
Also these are cutted with a CNC router
(**)templates were and are made to draw the surfboards outlines. There re full templates, half (in this case and in most cases) and spin ones.
you have the stringer like reference
Y cómo fue todo en la academia?
welcome back...
like the curves of that template,,,
even just art wise
...Rob, that template is for an egg and a miniegg
I'm getting ready to shape an egg. What program are you using to map out the templates for the CNC machine?
I used Draw by Corel
and Illustrator by Adobe
--only cutted the templates with the router
I shape all by hand
nunca es tarde para agradecer. porque volviste a escribir[en tu blog y en el mio]
felices dias para ti.
en que andamos?
what are you using as a material for our templates?
...gracias Eva!
...Basilia, working on some custom boards and studying
Glad to see your back at it!
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